Over the years, many of the mothers in Ms. Caseley's stories have had the same hairdos that she wore while creating each book. (However, most of the storybook mothers yell considerably less than she did.) At any rate, the following is a perspective of her various hairstyles over the years. Enjoy!

Ms. Caseley at 4 cute!
Judith after an unfortunate encounter with some lice...
Judith Caseley (then Goldberg) at High School Graduation in 1969...

College Girl Judith, a.k.a
'Pippi Longstocking'

Healing the sick British plants (and cats), Ms. Caseley in the 'slums' of England...
The 'pregnant hair' look.
Ms. Caseley a la Doris Day...
The motherhood hairdo...
what a concept!
The 'Tina Turner' look, so dubbed by children on a school visit.
Ms. Caseley's current look. (Decidedly a work in progress.)


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